World: Midgard
Diet: Omnivorous, but require some blood
Height: 5’0″
Lifespan: 70 years
Habitat: Any, most common in tropical climates
Activity Cycle: Nocturnal
Found both in their own communities and mingling with others, the camazota are an unusual people, both friendly, even altruistic, and deeply insular and often distrusted. Their complex social structures are based around their unusual dietary needs. Every camazota must drink at least 2 cups of blood every single night, becoming sickly and anemic after only a single night of abstinence. As such, their tight-knit society guarantees that all get their share. On the other hand, they are deeply reluctant to accept outsiders into their social circles, preferring to keep them at a friendly distance, and conformity is ruthlessly enforced. Few would rather live any other way, but some reject the comfort of the colony and set out on their own, while others are exiled, the strongest punishment available in their society. Either way, these outsiders must find their daily blood through their own means.
The elongated pinky finger of a camazota is connected to a wing membrane, running down the body to the hip. While they can only glide (not fly) while this membrane is exposed, encouraging them to dress down, the membrane can fold fully against the side of the body when necessary. Despite not being strong enough to fly, a camazota is still blessed with immense upper body strength, helping with manual labor or of course the swing of a weapon. Besides their strength, they are blessed with incredible hearing and the ability to “see” with sound, something they describe to others as seeing “the true shape of things”.
One of the great secrets of isolated groups of camazota, those without the buffer of a wider society, is their ultimate final defense system in case of disaster. If threatened with extinction, volunteers will submit to twisted magic, transformed into murderous war-forms dedicated only to defending their people. Despite a degeneration into maddened beasts, they are still treated as part of the colony, granted as much dignity as can safely be granted for their brave sacrifice.
So if it comes down to it, could they potentially drink the blood of their own to preserve the lives of a majority in case of a, uh, blood drought?